Happy Thanksgiving From Our Home To Yours! |
Top 11 Things I Am Thankful For This Year
1. A God who loves me and has a plan for my future. He has provided for our every need. I am not alone in this fight.
2. My dog Zeke. He has walked and laid next to me in the worst of moments. His faithfulness is an example of how to be a great friend.
3. My husband. Eric has worked hard to provide for us. He chose to love me the day we got married and he chooses love daily. We get each other... which is very special.
4. For my children.
Leah is a light and ponytail bouncing bundle of joy. I'll love her forever, I'll want her for always, as long as I'm living my baby she'll be.
5. I am thankful for my church. Eric loves his job and it appears he is exactly where he is supposed to be... which we know is a rare blessing. The diversity of people at BOSS is freeing and I am seeing God in a fresh new way.
6. Our home. Just a few months ago I had no idea where we would live and we were technically "homeless". We found the real estate diamond in the rough. I love my house.
7. I am thankful for my freedoms as an American. So many around the globe live under an oppression that I cannot fathom. We are a blessed people.
8. Friends and family. We have the most incredible support system and the kindest friends we could ask for. I have been truly humbled by the outpouring of love we have received.
9. That I found my lump. If I had waited till I was 40 to have a mammogram I would be dead.
10. Very thankful that I have not lost my appetite yet. Looking forward to enjoying our thanksgiving spread!
11. I haven't had to shave in over a month! NIENER, NIENER, NIENER!!!!!
Hi Kelly! I love you and your heart... I know it's been a long time since we've seen one another... But I heard about your diagnosis and found your blog and have been reading what you share.... I weep when I read your heartfelt, real words and I praise God for all the amazing support you express having and my soul smiles along with my face at all your cute jokes and zany perspectives. I've always thought you were gift and as I read your posts I believe it even more... You are beautiful inside and out. You are courage... You are His sweet girl... You are beautifully and exquisitely real... Thank you... Never apologize for the dark days and please continue to share... Those of us who love and cherish you and believe in you and your strength and His power want to hear it all from you... The good, the bad and the ugly. Please know I am praying fiercely for you and your beautiful family and hold you close to my heart... I'm so sorry your going through all this.... It plain stinks! And that's saying it politely.... I feel rage towards what you've been dealt... But like you said I look to Jeremiah 29:11 and my soul calms in that hope. I love you, I miss you, I believe in you and I'm praying!!!