Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today 3 Good Things Happened

 Today 3 Good Things Happened:

1. Watched the movie ‘Beauty and The Beast’ with Nathan and cheered for the Beast when Gaston was fighting him. It was great. 

2. Ate a Nachos Bell Grande.  Yum.

3. Sat next to Leah in the backseat while my mom chauffeured us around and tickled her chubby little thigh. Love her laugh and the way she scrunches her nose.

And here is my list of 3 bad things that happened (to balance out the good):

1. We did not get the keys to our house as expected. It is a stupid reason and has to do with the appraiser stepping out of his lane and suggesting a repair that is not necessary. Our lender agent is working hard to make the deal happen and hopefully that we will have keys Friday. If it isn’t done Friday they have to redraw papers and well… let’s just not talk about it.

All I will say is, in my opinion, bailing Fannie Mae out was a poor decision on behalf of our countries leaders. That company should have been allowed to fail and capitalism to work itself out. Strange how this situation is hitting a political nerve that I did not know existed.

2.  Witnessed a precious baby that our friends had been fostering, (since 48 hours old) be taken away to be with her father. They are working to foster-adopt. She is 3 months old and a few weeks ago all rights had been removed from the mother. Since in 3 months the father had never even asked for visitation, they had hopes that this baby would become an official family member. They found out just a few days ago that the father changed his mind and he and his mother had decided to raise her… and that the social workers would be there on Wednesday (today) to pick her up. 

It was just heartbreaking. You can only pray that the father and family will love her the way her foster family has. Trusting in Gods plan for her little life.

3. Nathan asked me, “When we move and all get to be together, can we take Zeke and Kudzu home too?” I had to explain to my 4-year old that his cat (whom he loves and talks about all the time) has disappeared and we do not know where to find her. He sobbed. He told me he does not want another cat (which wasn’t gonna happen anyways) and needs Kudzo for us to have a whole family. Did I mention that he sobbed?
Zeke and Kudzu meeting for the first time.
The day we got Kudzu.
Look at Joppa... yet another blackmail
pic of him loving a cat. He's all talk!

Leah and Kudzu... that sweet kitty
would tolerate anything from the kids.

Kudzu and Nathan
Photo taken the day before we moved.

Oh… and I (we) met with the Oncologist and got a glimpse of the future. So here’s the story:

We are moving forward and treating me for Breast Cancer. The Oncologist is having my lump transferred to from Roseville to the Elk Grove hospital to be looked at again by his Pathologist and then he also said that next week he would submit my case at the monthly conference that all the Oncologist meet at since I am young to have the poorly differentiated cells. So… we get a second opinion on the diagnosis and will have the opinion of several doctors from the conference.

I will start chemotherapy the first week of October. For the first 8 weeks I will go every other week and get adriamycin & cytoxan. (I’m only writing those names down because I know some of you know a lot about this and are probably wondering the specifics.) During that time I will also have to take daily injections. The next 12 weeks will be weekly treatments of taxol. Then I will go through radiation for 6 weeks.

8 + 12 + 6 = 26 weeks = 6.5 months

I thought it was cute when my mom checked out the calendar and say “Oh good, you’ll finish chemo in time for your birthday and then radiation will wrap up in time for Nathan’s birthday.” Now THAT is seeing the silver-lining. We just love to celebrate and party in my family!

So that was my day. I know that when I am overwhelmed God is still in control. I know this too will pass. Tomorrow I’m having a mommy-son day with Nathan, just the two of us. Which means tomorrow will be a fabulous day… no matter what!

***Many of you have asked if there are ways that you can help. If you are interested, in the next week or so I will post a link to a site that my cousin Megan (okay she’s my cousins wife, but same difference) is managing called . On the site there will be a calendar of ways to help/participate with meals, daycare, projects and fundraisers that they are throwing to help with the co-pay costs.

Also, we have decided that this blog is the best way to share updates. I plan to keep writing as it is therapeutic, but occasionally Megan, Eric or my friend Claire may write updates if I am unable. If you would like to be kept in the loop, you can submit your e-mail address under the words “Follow By E-mail” and you will be notified as new posts are published.

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Kelly, that's quite a day. You continually impress me as you're intentional to notice the blessings ("good things") in your life along side the bad. That's a very healthy perspective on God's hand in your life.

  2. Kelly, you do a wonderful job of noticing the little things in life and noting that they can really make your day. Sometimes I think that children come into our lives to remind us of these beautiful little details that make life special. Just wanted to note - you are a very good writer!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys each and every new day.
